MetaCompass V1.0 Comparative Assembly for Metagenomic Sequences Author: Date: Sun Sep 9 22:02:11 EDT 2012 REQUIREMENTS: GNU C/C++; Perl; BLAST; Bowtie 2 INSTALLATION: ./ RUN METACOMPASS: -- I have a set of metagenomic reads, and want to perform comparative assembly. ./ [input FASTA reads] [output prefix] [directory of Bowtie 2] [# iterations] [# threads] -- I know the reference genomes, or I want to perform comparative assembly for a particular genome. ./bin/ [input FASTA reads] [reference genome] [output prefix] [directory of Bowtie 2] [# iterations] [# threads] -- You can try MetaCompass on two test data sets. For a small data set assuming reference genomes are known: ./bin/ ./test/small.reads.fna ./test/small.refgeno.fna ./test/small [directory of Bowtie 2] 1 1 For a big data set assuming reference genomes are known: ./bin/ ./test/big.reads.fna ./test/big.refgeno.fna ./test/big [directory of Bowtie 2] 1 1 For a big data set assuming reference genomes are NOT known: ./ ./test/big.reads.fna ./test/big [directory of Bowtie 2] 1 1 QUESTIONS: Contact Bo Liu at