MetaCompass is a software package for comparative assembly of metagenomic reads. MetaCompass achieves comparable assembly performance to the state of the art de novo assemblers, but these two different approaches complement each other a lot. So combining contigs between MetaCompass and other independent de novo assemblers give us the best overall metagenomic assembly. Please refer to our paper for a more thorough description.Publication - Please Cite
Victoria Cepeda,Bo Liu, Mathieu Almeida, Christopher M. Hil, Mihai Pop. Reference-guided Assembly of Metagenomic Sequences. In preparation.Download
Note that the package is very big because it contains bacterial reference genomes.MetaCompass-1.0.tar.gz (1.5Gb)
If you are only interested in the source code, download MetaCompass here:
MetaCompass-1.0.sourceCode.tar.gz (84Kb)